Teljes a kínálat – Lemken NOVA önjáró permetező!


A német Lemken fejlesztési törekvéseinek köszönhetően teljessé vált a cég növényvédő gépeinek portfóliója. A hannoveri Agritechnica-n látható NOVA 14 típusú önjáró permetezőgép a legmodernebb felszerelésekkel biztosítja a hatékony üzemeltetést. Az űrkabin színvonalú fülke számos, sokoldalú kezelőfelülettel, a konstrukció pedig a legújabb automata keret szintezéssel és vezérléssel rendelkezik. A komfort és a hatékonyság elvárásaihoz igazodóan az önjáró NOVA permetezők 4.800 – 7.200 literes térfogattal, ill. 24 – 39 méter közötti munkaszélességgel rendelhetők (angol).


Particular attention has been paid to the comfortable cab, which is essential for long working hours. Sound insulation reduces noise and stress so that operators can focus fully on driving. The Nova is also available with an optional Category 4 three-stage air filter system, which creates permanent positive pressure in the cab to prevent any fumes from entering. Automatic climate control, Bluetooth radio and numerous storage options help to make work a lot more enjoyable.

Operators have an excellent view of their surroundings from an air-suspended seat. All controls are ergonomically arranged in the armrest. The innovative joystick with numerous freely assignable function keys can be configured in keeping with individual needs. The application technology is controlled via the proven LEMKEN MegaSpray on the CCI 800 or CCI 1200 terminal. Functions include width section and application rate controls, GPS track guidance and job management. The agrirouter, the new cross-vendor data exchange platform, handles communications with the farm management system back in the office.

The chassis of the Nova self-propelled sprayer features telescopic axles for flexible track widths from 1.8 to 2.3 metres. Hydraulic track width adjustment is available as an option. The Nova can be used with tyres with widths from 300 to 650 millimetres. All-wheel drive ensures that the rear axle always follows precisely behind the front axle. This, and the large ground clearance of 1.20 metres, provides great protection for crops. A hydraulic lift system which raises the chassis to a maximum of 1.60 metres is available for very tall crops. Independent, hydropneumatic wheel suspension delivers a particularly smooth ride while also keeping the boom in balance on uneven terrain.

The aluminium boom is both robust and lightweight. LEMKEN’s AdaptiveBalancingControl (ABC) with automatic, proactive guidance keeps the boom in an optimum position and maintains the correct distance to the target surface. Up to five sensors ensure that the individual boom arms adapt directly to uneven terrain or changes in the crop. A circulation line with individual nozzle control within the boom provides for precise application and absolutely minimal residue.

The inductor has a capacity of 55 litres and provides flow up to the top edge without producing spray mist. It is additionally prepared for a closed transfer system (CTS), and is height adjustable for improved ergonomics. A colour display above the inductor allows the water hydraulics to be operated easily. The PE tank impresses with smooth surfaces and a well-organised interior. The clean water tank holds 660 litres. An electrically regulated injector agitator with fill level-dependent control maintains a consistently homogeneous mixture inside the tank. Any residue collects in the lowered sump, which can be drained fully.

The LEMKEN Nova will be available from mid-2020.